
美国法律界人士就最近美国保守派网路媒体【每日通话】(Daily Caller)报道的关于雇用美国代孕母异国代孕所生孩子允许承袭代孕母美国公民身份的说法表示:这个说法可能适用于部分代孕属于合法的国家,但不适用于中国,关键在于至少到目前为止代孕在中国不合法,然而是否能让美国代孕母在中国的诊所接受代孕及生产都是问题。

法律界人士表示之所谓奥政府是否和中国方面达成协议- 中国的诊所可以出售美国公民身份,至今没有具体相关这方面政策及说法。奥巴马政府从未颁布过和中国代孕相抵触的新政策。同时表示报道这一美政府欲放宽美公民申请限制“新政策”的媒体实为一右翼团体,原因不需解释。

其中位于洛杉矶的国际生殖法律事务所(International Fertility Law Group)理查德•沃恩律师(Richard B. Vaughn, Esq.)就【每日通话】有关报道接受采访表示:美国除了华盛顿特区、路易斯安那州、亚利桑那州、印第安纳州、内布拉斯加州、纽约州、密歇根州有明确法律禁止代孕外,其它州法律条款中具有条件性的代孕许可;譬如加州、内华达州和伊利诺州允许代孕但对制定的代孕合同有相对的法律条款约束,而加州尤为重视对父母权的保护。美国目前没有一个州法律上允许代孕母跨州代孕或跨州生孩子,譬如加州的代孕母不能前往伊利诺州接受胚胎代孕,也不能代孕后跑去外州生产,代孕母必须是加州居民和美国公民。所有这些条款同时也限制了她们“出国”接受代孕。他称律师所至今还未受理过一件美国籍的代孕母去国外包括去中国接受代孕的案例。按照代孕法约束签署的合同条款,严格限制美代孕母代孕后不能作长途旅行,尤其旅行去国外。

沃恩律师称美国目前代孕法中最基本的条例规定只有与代孕子女有遗传关系的父母的权利( Genetic Link Parental Right)受法律保护,代孕的孩子一旦生下来必须立即被移交给孩子的血缘遗传父母,或称准父母(Intended Parents),代孕母之前和准父母签署代孕合同时需在条款上约法三章,表示放弃此代孕孩子的父母权(Give Up the Paternal Rights)。同时按照美国出生地原则,在美国生下的孩子自动获得美国公民身份,哪怕是非法移民。

美国国际生殖法律事务所开办了将近20年,主要受理代孕生殖及家庭领养包括国际领养或代孕案件,拥有不少成功案例。如有疑问可登陆该律师所网站联系。网址是:http://www.iflg.net (圣迭戈华文网报道 SanDiegoChinesePress.com)alien_born_here_american_citizen_1052835

附【每日通话】报道链接和全文: http://dailycaller.com/2014/10/28/obama-administration-allows-fertility-clinics-to-sell-us-citizenship/

Obama Administration Allows Fertility Clinics To Sell US Citizenship

President Barack Obama’s administration has decided to let the surrogate birth industry sell U.S. citizenship — and access to the U.S. welfare system — to foreign parents who never even set foot in the United States.

The fertility clinics will be able to pocket the profits, after granting access to American education, health, welfare and retirement services to the foreign children and the foreign parents.

The giveaway is accomplished by a surprise change in regulations, which redefined the term “mother” to include women who contract to carry other women’s embryos to birth.

“Under this new policy, a mother who meets this definition but does not have a genetic relationship with her child (for example, she became pregnant through an egg donor) will … be able to transmit U.S. citizenship to her child, if she is a U.S. citizen and all other pertinent citizenship requirements are met,” says the announcement from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The announcement, which was made along with the Department of State, is titled “USCIS Expands the Definition of ‘Mother’ and ‘Parent’ to Include Gestational Mothers Using Assisted Reproductive Technology.”

The change means that a woman who is a U.S. citizen can be hired by a reproductive medical clinic to become pregnant overseas and to give birth in China, Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else, and then effectively hand a U.S. passport to the baby.

That’s a huge benefit to the child, because it makes him or her a U.S citizen, even if he or she never breathes American air, or lives among Americans, knows English or shares any American cultural norms or ideas with their natural-born American citizens.

It is also a huge benefit for the parents, because they too can get citizenship once their child becomes an adult. That citizenship allows them — and their other children — to move to the United States in time for them to access Obamacare or Medicare benefits in their retirement.

That’s also a huge benefit to the companies that broker the birth contracts. They can now raise their prices to overseas customers because they can deliver U.S. citizenship with the baby, no matter where the parents are living or where the child is born.

A 2013 Reuters story described how some wealthy Chinese were willing to pay surrogate agencies $120,000 for American women to give birth to their children in the United States, as a way of seeking U.S. citizenship for those children.

But the citizenship-selling decision leaves Americans to pay for the cost of educating foreign children, and for supporting foreign parents.

It also adds to the growing cultural diversity that studies show makes it more difficult for Americans to cooperate in communities, to maintain civil society or to influence their distant government in Washington, D.C.

The federal government is currently selling U.S. citizenship for the bargain price of roughly $500,000 under a so-called EB-5 investment visa.

The U.S. government also awards citizenship to nearly all children born inside the United States, including the children of tourists and illegal immigrants.

That generous policy has already prompted the creation of a new industry that cares for foreign mothers who fly into California and other states shortly before the U.S. birth of their foreign children.