



  • 全日制学校(秋季)六年级在校生,可以上学分班,同时可以参加跳级考试,看是否可以直接上学分二。扫码了解详情并报名跳级考试。
  • 新增数学班


  • 在校生报名时间点:


5月22日至7月24日, 收取$50注册费


  • 提示

    1. 报名前请阅读网站registration policy

    2. 明年Service Deposits 不变$50

    3. 为方便同学们周末偶尔缺掉实体课,及时补课,学分班网课会根据学生需求,尽可能考虑每个年级都开通(具体时间根据实际情况待定)

    4. 才艺课程将于八月份开启报名,请关注华夏公众号后续介绍。








1►  在校生注册须知及注意事项

2►  在校生时间/年级变更申请


圣地亚哥华夏中文学校新增设数学课程 (SDHXCS Newly Added Math Program)。具体如下:

数学(Math Program)
圣地亚哥华夏中文学校在2023-2024学年新增设数学课程。华夏数学课程将为学生们提供丰富的学习体验,教学内容涵盖广泛的主题,如数字、代数、几何和组合数学,旨在提高学生的数学能力,高于常规 K-12 学校数学教育所提供的数学技能。虽然不是专门针对数学竞赛,但数学课程可以帮助学生了解并培养初级数学竞赛(例如 AMC 8 或 10)的思维和方法。华夏数学课程努力激发同学们对数学概念的兴趣,培养他们解决问题的能力,鼓励他们的批判性思维,让数学变得“有趣而有思想”。为提高学生的学习兴趣,华夏数学课程老师将采用数字+形状+模型的多方面教学方法,加深学生对数学概念及其相互关系的理解。Good News! San Diego Hua Xia Chinese School added Math Program starting school year 2023-24. The Math Program will cover a wide spectrum of topics, including numbers, algebra, geometry, and combinatorics, etc. under the general guidance of California K-12 school math education. The goal of our Math Program is to stimulate and encourage a student’s mathematical thinking and understanding of mathematical concepts and their relations to each other.

Math Program includes 3 levels:MP-1 基础级别(3-4 graders)MP-2 中级(5-6 graders)MP-3 进阶(7-8 graders)

问: 华夏数学课的目的是什么? What is the goal of SDHXCS MP?
答:华夏数学班教学以小学到中学的关键知识点(包括算数、代数、几何等)为基础,巩固学生对日常学校数学知识点的掌握,加强理解数学各知识点之间的关系,并培养学生对数学的独立思考能力。– SDHXCS MP offers enriched, extracurricular learning experience in elementary to mid-level mathematics, covering a wide spectrum of topics, such as numbers, algebra, geometry, and combinatorics, and aiming to enhance students’ mathematical skills beyond their regular K-12 school math education. MP strives to stimulate and encourage a student’s mathematical thinking and understanding of mathematical concepts and their relations to each other.
问:课堂是用英语还是中文教学?Is the class conducted in English or Chinese?
答:华夏数学班是全英文教学,讲义和作业等书面材料都是英语书写。– SDHXCS MP class will be taught in English. Class slides and homework will be provided in English.
问:华夏数学课用什么教材?What textbook will be used for the MP classes?
答:我们觉得市面上的数学教材都不适合华夏数学课,所以我们根据小学到中学的数学知识点,结合美国中国新加坡多种数学教材和数学网站,制定了我们自己的教学进度和教学内容。– No textbooks on the market are perfect for our MP. Therefore, SDHXCS MP will teach math at our own pace under the guidance of regular K-12 school math topics and incorporate other math textbooks/websites from China, Singapore, and America.
问:华夏数学课老师的资质如何?What are SDHXCS MP teachers’ qualifications?
答:华夏数学课老师都是有数学专业文凭的老师。–SDHXCS MP will be taught by teachers with degrees in math.
问:华夏数学课什么时候开课,上课时间,以及如何注册?When will the MP start, class schedule, and how to register?
答:华夏数学课2023-24学年8月20号开学,第一学年只开通数学一,每周日上午11:30到12:30或者下午3:30到4:30在Miramar College校园的实体课。数学一主要针对美国小学三和四年级的知识点,适于在整数、计数、图形、基本算数等方面有基础的学生。–SDHXCS MP will only offer MP-1 for the school year 2023-24 starting on 8/20/2023. The class sessions are on Sundays onsite at Miramar College campus from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm or 3:30pm – 4:30pm. 
MP-1 focus on the major math topics in grades 3rd – 4th  and is designed for a beginner who has basic knowledge of integers, counting, shapes, and basic arithmetics. SDHXCS MP registration is open for current SDHXCS students and offers a $50 registration waiver if current students complete the registration before 5/21/2023. New students’ registration is available starting 5/22/2023.

问:学校有没有入学测试考试?Is there any assessment test for my child before the class placement?
答:学校没有安排学生的入学考试。但是学校网站上有一套自测题,可以让学生和家长感受到我们教学的思路。–No, we don’t have an assessment test for the student. But we do have a set of self-assessment questions for you to get a sense of our program.