加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD) 再次巩固了其作为全球领先学术机构的声誉。最近在上海排名咨询公司(ShanghaiRanking )发布的2024年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)中,该校在美国公立大学中的排名上升了一位,总排名第3;美国大学排名第14、年度榜单上排名世界第18。
上海排名咨询公司(ShanghaiRanking )最近发布的2024年世界大学学术排名榜(ARWU),点击此链接。
“我校在2024年世界大学学术排名中的持续上升证明了我们对突破性研究、变革性创新和世界级教育的承诺,” 校长Pradeep K.Khosla说。“这一排名是对我们校友和教职员工有影响力的工作的认可,突显了我们改变社会的使命。通过为未来的领导者提供推动创新的工具,我们继续应对当今和未来的复杂挑战。”
2021年3月,斯克里普斯研究所的研究人员乘坐研究船“Sally Ride” 部署了蓝鳍自主水下航行器,在洛杉矶海岸外的垃圾场调查海底状况。(图片来源:加州大学圣地亚哥分校斯克里普斯海洋学研究所。)
加州大学圣地亚哥分校的研究人员发现,建筑、农业和制造业等“暴露行业”的工人在极端高温时期的健康和生产力都会受到重大影响。(图片来源:iStock/Pict Rider)
加州大学圣地亚哥分校的专家们也在努力了解高温如何影响有色人种社区、低收入社区和医疗弱势群体。除了识别这些差异外,他们还在研究解决方案——绘制气温上升对健康的影响,并制定策略帮助有风险的人适应和发展。推动这项关键工作的研究人员之一是全球政策与战略学院的环境科学家詹妮弗·伯尼,她正在研究为什么美国的某些种族和民族群体面临更高的城市高温暴露。全球政策与战略学院经济学教授Joshua Graff Zivin也站在最前沿,研究极端高温对工人经常在户外或非空调环境中工作的行业劳动力的影响。
UC San Diego Climbs to No. 3 Public University in U.S. in Academic Ranking of World Universities
University of California San Diego has once again solidified its reputation as a leading global academic institution, rising one spot to No. 3 among public U.S. universities in the 2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) released by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. The university also advanced to No. 14 among U.S. colleges overall and No. 18 in the world in the annual list.
“UC San Diego’s continued ascent in the 2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities is a testament to our commitment to groundbreaking research, transformative innovation and world-class education,” said Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla. “This ranking’s recognition of our alumni and faculty’s impactful work highlights our mission to transform society. By equipping future leaders with the tools to drive innovation, we continue to address the complex challenges of today and tomorrow.”
Each year, the ARWU evaluates over 2,500 universities to compile its ranking of the top 1,000 institutions worldwide. The rankings are based on a set of six indicators: the number of alumni and faculty winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals; the number of highly cited researchers; the number of articles published in journals of Nature and Science; the number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index; and per capita academic performance.

UC San Diego remains at the forefront of groundbreaking research across a wide range of disciplines, driving advancements that deepen our understanding in fields such as health, behavior, politics and society. In July, the university announced $1.73 billion in new research funding for fiscal year 2024, further fueling its commitment to research excellence and innovation.
The university’s community of rising scientists is also tackling challenges such as uncovering the role of disease-critical genes and using artificial intelligence to enhance data-driven decision-making. This year, eight early-career UC San Diego researchers received NSF CAREER awards, recognizing their potential to drive breakthroughs in fields like structural engineering and environmental microbiology. These prestigious awards support early-career faculty who demonstrate exceptional promise in both research and education, positioning them as future leaders in their respective industries.

UC San Diego experts are also leading efforts to understand how heat affects communities of color, low-income neighborhoods and medically vulnerable individuals. In addition to identifying these disparities, they are working on solutions—mapping health impacts of rising temperatures and developing strategies to help those at risk adapt and thrive. Among the researchers driving this critical work is School of Global Policy and Strategy environmental scientist Jennifer Burney, who is studying why certain racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. face higher exposure to urban heat. School of Global Policy and Strategy economics professor Joshua Graff Zivin is also at the forefront, examining the effects of extreme heat on labor in industries where workers are often outdoors or in non-air-conditioned environments.
In addition to its recognition by ARWU, UC San Diego continues to earn top marks from other prestigious outlets, recently being named the No. 3 public university in the nation by Forbes in its 2025 America’s Top Colleges list. To learn more about the 2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities, visit the organization’s website. For more information about UC San Diego rankings and accolades, visit the Campus Profile.
(美国华文网 圣地亚哥华文网编发)