美国红十字会公布灾难急救包清单 望民众做好准备!(图)


1.急救包:这个包内包括剪刀、绷带、纱布、保险卡、切割和炎症药膏,防腐油,抗组胺药片,咳嗽糖浆,酒精的毛巾,滴眼液和蒸馏水。-First Aid Kit:This bagincludes scissors, bandages, gauze, insurance cards, cut and rash creams,antiseptic cream, antihistamine tablets, cough syrup, alcohol towels, eye dropsand distilled water.


2.吹的哨子:紧急情况下最重要的工具可能是哨子,因为这有助于救援队找到你。-Whistle:Perhaps the most importanttool in an emergency situation is the whistle, as this will help rescue teamsfind you.

3.背包:每个家庭成员都有自己的背包这是很重要的,成员包括有老人、婴儿和宠物都必须有自己的背包。每个背包应该具备清单所说的物品。如果你有宠物,给它的背包准备好食物和玩具。- Backpack:It is important that eachmember of your family has their own backpack. Each backpack should includeeverything that is mentioned on this list. Seniors, babies and pets must havetheir own backpack. If you have a pet, prepare a backpack with food and toys.

4.塑料雨披:雨披将使你保持干燥和防雨。还有更换的保暖衣。-Plastic Poncho:The ponchowill keep you dry and protect you from rain. Also have a change of thermalclothing.

5.卫生用品:在塑料袋里放肥皂、牙膏、牙刷、除臭剂、棉花、清洁毛巾、洗液、一次性纸巾、剃刀和女性毛巾。-Hygiene:In a plastic bag put soap,toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, cotton, cleaning towels, lotion,disposable tissues, razors, and feminine towels.

6.安全护目镜:这些镜片是用来保护眼睛免受灰尘和其他危害的。-Safety Goggles:These lensesare used for protecting your eyes from dust and other hazards.

7、文件副本:放在密封塑料袋中,包括你的身份证、执照、驾照、护照和社会保险的复印件。-Copy of Documents:In a plasticbag include a copy of your identification, license, passport and socialsecurity.

8、水:建议带每人喝的一加仑水,这样你至少可以喝3到5天的水。- Water:Onegallon of water per person is recommended, so that you have water for at least3 to 5 days.

9.充电器:一定要包一个或两个为你的手机的充电器;以及便携式充电器,可以预先充电,并准备而在旅途中使用。-Chargers:Be sure to pack one or twochargers for your phone. As well as portable chargers that can be pre-chargedand ready to use while on the go.

10.罐头食品,所有的食物必须是封装的;别忘了开罐器。-  Canned food,Allfood you keep must be food that is not perishable. Do not forget to include acan opener.

11.手电筒:在您的应急背包内最重要的是要有一个手电筒;在你家里每个房间也要有一个,因为自然灾害可以发生在任何时候。另外确保你的手电筒有足够的电池。-Flashlights:It isimportant to have a flashlight in your emergency backpack, but also in everyroom of your home, given that a natural disaster can occur at any time. Makesure you have enough batteries.

12.无线电收音机(调幅/调频的):重要的是有一个自我充电的无线电,并备有电池。你可以买一个包括手电筒、收音机和手机充电器的收音机组合。-Radio AM/FM:It isimportant to have a self-charging radio and to have batteries for it. You canbuy a radio combo, which includes flashlight, radio and phone charger.

13.手套、护目镜、面罩:这些元素是关闭家里煤气供应所必需的。-Gloves, Goggles, Mask:Theseelements are necessary to close the gas supply in your home.

14.药物:如果你有病史,根据你的药物清单并准备服用一周的量。-Medication:If you havea medical history, include a list of your medicines, have a dose for one week.

15.钱:把现金放在包里,以防万一上不了银行或自动取款机。-Money:Keep cash in your bag. In thecase of a major emergency there will be no access to banks or ATMs.


(美国华文网圣地亚哥华文网华文风采编发US Chinese Press,SanDiego Chinese Press)