铁骨不可辱 强音冲九霄 圣迭戈民众再次游行谴责ABC吉米秀(图/频)





铮铮铁骨不可辱,声声强音冲九霄。前天和昨天两日,美国二十多个城市地区联合举行大游行,强烈谴责和抗议ABC美国广播公司吉米儿童圆桌秀的辱华暴力言论。 不能容忍了!不再沉默了!圣迭戈民众反歧视反凌辱,反宣扬暴力及灌输暴力的儿童节目抗议高潮到了沸点,昨天11月9日第二次游行发出的声浪更高涨猛烈,声势更浩大。组织者将第二次大游行地点挪到了该市的中心:游行民众先在美国著名民权运动领袖马丁路德金纪念公园(Martin Luther King Jr. Promenade Park)大草坪集中,出发经过圣迭戈国际会议中心(San Diego Convertion Center)正门,过天桥绕道沿海边行至Seaport Village,穿过Ruocco Park,到航母博物馆,然后经 San Diego NSC Broadway Compound,最后回到原集中点,沿途引来无数路人游客驻足,无数双关注的目光投向游行队伍。



在游行队伍中,除了还由很多家长带着孩子、和家庭组合、朋友结伴来参加的之外,队伍中今次还出现了很多年高望重的长者 – 圣迭戈中华会馆、博物馆许多老侨前辈做好了精心准备,在小黑的带领中,高举着标语牌,同时跟着小黑高呼口号,步履豪迈,历时数小时走完约3.6英里全程。华夏中文学校、中华妇女联合会等新侨侨团代表、圣迭戈加大(UCSD)、州大圣迭戈分校(SDSU)、圣迭戈大学(USD)的师生也来了,高通的郭姓等多名工程师上周末的游行来了,今次又来了,还带来不少在其他公司工作的朋友; 人群中还有不少各个论坛的网友,相信还有不少平时不上网长期潜水的网友今也 “真人现身”了。前几年参加洛杉矶、旧金山声援中国奥运游行的不少圣迭戈同胞、各行各界,各种肤色的民众,今次都纷纷加入到了反族裔欺辱的大游行队伍,人数达600多,比预先到网上报名的人数多出了六倍。




Mitx2给历史作个记录 (摄影:MITX)

今次圣迭戈游行备受瞩目的几大亮点,一是有更多老美主动加入,他们慷慨陈词,同声讨伐;二是召集组织游行者的圣迭戈未名空间的网友,徐姓、张姓、彭姓等多位华裔学人,两次都带头发动组织,周密分工安排,群策群力发动,吸引了来自四面八方更多人的参与,同时吸引了不少义务工作人员承担各种准备工作。其中在本市一医学研究所工作的欧博士夫妇俩负责管理好赞助款外,周五还带领一组华裔父母到大华超市、Zion超市等地方站立几小时散发传单。三是在这次大游行中,出现了几位出色的美女带头者,女演讲者和女带领呼喊口号者。游行前有两位分别用中英文演讲号召的张姓、杨姓同学,精彩激昂的演讲,深深感动了所有在场人士(文后附两人的演讲全文);小黑网友当仁不让,抢着做着做那。游行中带领人们高呼口号,被人们赞誉其有着如海豚般的清亮高音,不少华裔妇女巾帼不让须眉的表现获人们倾佩和连连赞美。有一位才6岁的女孩跟着妈妈在队伍中也领头喊起了口号,童声稚气,英文却毫不含糊,令大人们刮目相看,“洗耳恭听”,群情更振奋地跟着小妹妹一起呼喊。小妹妹的父亲,在本市一生物公司就职的陈姓工程师是两次游行中带领喊口号最积极的一位,上周末游行喊,这周末仍自告奋勇地带领喊口号,声音特别响亮。“国事当头,人生能有几回。” 嗓子都喊哑了的陈姓工程师说。

巾帼女秀 慷慨演讲(文后附演讲全文)


今天,在圣迭戈、在美国各个地方、由于发生ABC电视节目渲染暴力和辱华事件,令多少象徐姓、张姓、彭姓、欧姓、杨姓、陈姓、小黑网友、喊口号的童颜小妹妹,举着标语牌行走数哩的鹤发长者,千千万万的为正义而战的勇士挺身而出,为族裔的尊严,为人权的捍卫,为下一代的健康成长而不停地呐喊战斗。(圣地亚哥华文网海黛报道 摄影:小雨 MITX)






How many of you here are parents?

How many of you are younger than 16?

I am here with my 10 year old son. Together, we want to say, thank you, thank you all for coming to support this important cause to protect our own rights, and to protect our children’s rights! Son, Mommy wants to tell you why I’m here today, and why all the uncles and aunties are here today. We are here to make sure that all of you young people would have a better future.

Today, on November 9, 2013, tens of thousands of people are rallying across America to protest racism against Chinese American, Asian American or to any Americans. Boys and girls, • Don’t allow people to call you Chinks or Chinaman! • Don’t allow people to mock you “Ching, Ding, Dong”! • Don’t allow people to call you second-class citizens! • And do not allow people to tell you to “Go back to China!” Tell them, you are proud of your Chinese heritage, and you are as American as all the rest of your classmates. This is their land, and this is YOUR land too. • When people joke about “killing all Chinese”, you don’t laugh! Your grandma and grandpa live in China. • When people joke about “killing all Chinese”, don’t laugh! Less than a hundred years ago, Japanese Americans were sent to Internment camp when other fellow Americans thought that they were foreigners. •

When people joke about “killing all Chinese”, you step out and tell them that this is not funny. Four times as many Chinese died during World War II as Jewish did. Son, Mom is proud of you because you are nice, kind, and peaceful. Yet, that does not mean that you should be picked on and be bullied. You too deserve dignity and self-respect.

Today, I want to tell all the boys and girls here: Be strong and courageous! Stand up and have the brave talks when you hear the inner voice that something is not right! Remember, you have my back, you have everyone’s back here. Together, we shall overcome!



Today, we come here together, at Martin Luther King Promenade Park, to
protest against ABC’s spreading of violence and racial hatred teaching.

I’m a father of two daughters. We try very hard to shield them from harm.
Yet Mr. Kimmel’s Kids table show encouraged “killing Chinese”! What values
are Public Media showing our kids? Don’t we already have too much campus
violence, bullying, and shooting?

Mr. Kimmel’s so-called apology was “today is a weird day…I am sorry if I
offended anyone…I was just telling a joke.” In the letter to 80-20, ABC
still claims “it only entertains”. Since when did “Killing” become a “joke
“? Why is joking about killing Chinese so entertaining?

Last Saturday when we had a rally at Balboa Park, one pedestrian asked us:
“Why Chinese?”  Yes, why Chinese.

30 years ago, Vincent Chin, a Chinese American engineer in Detroit like many
of us was walking on a street.  Then he was mistaken as Japanese and was
batted to death by unemployed auto worker.

Why Vincent Chin?  Why Chinese?

Is that too distant a past?  Just 8 days ago, at Otay Ranch High

School in
San Diego the 16-year-old Steven Liu took his own life after being bullied.
His friend said “People took advantage of him…because he’s a really nice

Why Steven Liu?  Why Chinese? Actually, they are not even Chinese, they are
Chinese AMERICAN.  We Chinese American are also part of America and are
proud of our cultural heritage.

I’d like to quote what Joan Baez said at Feb 9, 2010 White House performance:

“One day, Dr. King realized that the non-violence fight went well beyond the
shores of this great country, went far across the sea to a war that was
being fought by God’s children on both sides of that great fight. And he
knew that he had to speak out against that. And he was afraid. He was very
afraid. So we all raised our voices just a little bit louder, and we said: ‘
We are not afraid today’.”

So my friends, we stand together today. We walk hand in hand today. We also
raised our voices just a little bit louder today. We can also say, “We are
not afraid today!”

So let’s stand together! Let’s stand up for ourselves! Let’s stand up for
our children! Let’s stand up for our future generations!

Together, we shall overcome!